A Big Thanks to Our Subscribers

We asked LJ subscribers to write in and tell us about themselves, so we could feature them in this 25th Anniversary Issue as a way to thank them for their loyalty through the years. The response was so overwhelming, we are able to include only a few of them here, but please visit our website later this week to learn more about your fellow readers. We truly enjoyed "meeting" all of you who participated and are humbled by your words of support.

We asked readers to give their name, how long they've been subscribers and why, their favorite LJ memory and their first distro. Note that submissions have been edited for length and clarity.

Guillermo Giménez de Castro (a.k.a. Guigue)

I've been a subscriber since February 1996, regularly. I've never missed a renewal. I subscribe because I don't find anywhere else a place where Open Source, the Bazaar Philosophy, and Linux itself are better advocated. I have to say that every month I receive the new issue is a joy, with the first quick read to see what is new. But probably my best memory is the picture included here. It was taken during a session for the "Picture of the Month" LJ contest in 2004. My wife shot a few dozens of photos and I sent a different one (and won!!). In one picture, my son Manuel appears with me on top of my printed collection. Now he is in his 20s and is a Linux hacker. My first distro was SLS with kernel version 0.99 patch level 12. I hope to send a similar email 25 years from now. Happy Anniversary!

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David Barton

My first LJ was the last print issue published. I subscribe because we all need a way to come up with new ideas. Professionally written articles are an excellent source of both ideas and well described ways to implement them. A single good idea is worth far more than a year's subscription. Also, I like to keep up with my favourite OS! My favourite memory is when you came back, and also when my first article came out. My first distribution was probably Slackware around 1997.

I manage hosting for 100s of custom software databases, and Linux is secure, fast, robust and easy to administer. I also use Linux because it gives me the same power I have on the server on my desktop.

Michelle Suddreth

I've been a subscriber for 25 years. Reason for subscribing is to find out about open source software that I can use and learn more about UNIX/Linux itself. At the time, I was setting up the network and internet for a community college. Favorite memory is the multi-part bash article. First distribution used was Yggdrasil. I did experiment earlier with a floppy-based system (maybe a precursor to slack), but it did not have an English keyboard map.

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Greg Mader

I've been a subscriber since the mid-1990s. I love the point of view of the writers and the staff—there is a clear commitment to the open-source approach. What Linux Journal really is about is connecting people with each other and allowing them to learn technology, but it's also to create community and friendship. My favorite thing about LJ is being asked by others about the Linux Journal magazines sitting around the house. If I leave LJ out for others, they will pick it up intuitively, and become engaged. My first distro: SLACKWARE!

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Surya Saha

Thank you for all the wonderful content and for keeping LJ going! I was genuinely geek sad when you announced that LJ was going away. I'm elated to see that it's back and looking strong. I've been a subscriber for 12 years. It's the only tech journal I subscribe to because of its long association with the Open Source and Linux community. I love reading the Letters and "diff -u" sections. It's amazing to see the diverse community of Linux users and LJ readers out there. My first distro was Red Hat 4 (before it was commercial).

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Federico Kereki

Over the years (starting in 2007), Linux Journal helped me learn more about Linux, and gave me the possibility of sharing my knowledge and experience through more than a dozen articles that I wrote and were published. I feel most proud of these works I did, and I deeply thank the magazine for having provided me this opportunity. I missed the first years of publication, but I hope never to miss future issues!

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Johan Nyberg

I've subscribed since issue #1 to keep me updated with the progress of all aspects of Linux. I think my nicest memory is from when I got the very first few issues of LJ, with interviews of Linus and lots of useful information to get the most out of my new computer running Linux. I did my first Linux installation in Jan-Feb 1994. It was a Slackware-based distribution with kernel 0.99. I had to use diskettes and a very slow Internet connection for the installation—very time consuming but fun.

I am an experimental nuclear physicist and professor in physics at Uppsala University in Uppsala, Sweden. My research field is the structure of exotic nuclei. Together with my research collaborators, we perform experiments at different international accelerator laboratories. Our main instruments are the gamma-ray spectrometer AGATA and the neutron detector array NEDA.

It has been very nice to see how Linux, during the last ~20 years, has taken over all (or at least most) of the computer-related issues of my research. We use Linux for example in the FPGAs of our electronics, in the data acquistion and storage systems, for data analysis and simulations in computer clusters and for writing and producing our research results.

I am also using Linux privately. I never had a computer with another OS. Linux rocks!

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Neal W.

I've subscribed for a few months. "Linux" encompasses a myriad of distributions and approaches to making life better through open source software—so many in fact that it seems impossible to follow completely unless it's your full time job. Having a neatly wrapped, monthly curated journal of stories and explainers arrive at your inbox is both a gift and the kick in the pants many of us non-developers need to keep learning more about something that otherwise can seem quite overwhelming.

Favorite memory: this is pure ego, but I once got my photo published in an issue! I won't tell anyone which one it was though.

My first distro: I called in to Kim Commando as a teenager to ask about her thoughts on open source, and she sent me a copy of Red Hat. Since then I'm using Tails OS and Qubes OS primarily and am a fan of the Debian philosophy.

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Aleksandar MIlovac

I've subscribed for 15 years, becuase it was fun to read. I love Linux. My favorite LJL memory is reading LJ (printed issues) in WC 10+ years ago. My first distro was Red Hat 5.2 in April 1999. My first installation "failed" because I had no idea who is "root".

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Georg Thoma

I've been a subscriber since May 2014. I want to support the publication as I am convinced of the positive effect the journal has on the Linux community. My first distribution was Slackware around 1998. I bought a bunch of CDs in a bookstore at the university.

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Jayson Helseth

I have been a subscriber for about 6 years, and a developer for over 10 years. I subscribed to Linux Journal because it was my favorite of the Linux publications that existed. Even though they say you should never judge a book by its cover, I was drawn to the covers of the Linux Journal publications. My favorite article so far is when Kyle Rankin talked about using the Odroid for a home NAS solution. The first distribution that I used was Mandrake 9.x. I received a copy from a friend, and later decided to buy it with the Mandrake book as a guide.

Tom McNeely

I've been a subscriber since approximately 2006, because I enjoy reading it, I learn useful things, and to support Linux journalism. In 1993, I wanted to go to a Grateful Dead concert in Oregon. I lived a little north of Seattle at the time, and I saw on a Usenet newsgroup that someone by the name of Phil Hughes in Seattle had tickets for sale. Phil told me where his truck was parked and left the tickets in the truck bed; on my way to Oregon, I picked them up and left payment in their place. I'm pretty sure this was the Phil Hughes who a short while later co-founded Linux Journal! Too bad I didn't meet him in person. My first distro was Slackware, from late 1993 until 2010. Thanks, and I'm so glad Linux Journal lives!

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Chester A. Wright, Jr.

I've subscribed since 1995 (that the earliest paper copy I can find at the moment) to support the community and to learn what things others are using. You never know when the next inspiration will hit you! My first distro was SLS, 1993 (not Slackware). I had to download and convert 20 3.5" disk images using an internet-connected MAC because I didn't have internet at home.

These days, I teach a lab at a local university where freshman engineering students learn to build and administer Linux virtual machines. This exposure is a must-have for their career.

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Jim Peterson

I've subscribed 11-ish years, because knowledge is power! Favorite LJ memory is meeting Shawn Powers at LinuxCon 2009 in Portland, Oregon. My first distro was some weird Chinese-produced version that came with the off-brand laptop I'd bought with no OS installed. It didn't really work as there was no driver support, but it was my first foray. I picked up Suse at Best Buy soon after that, with much better results.

David A. Lane

I've subscribed for more than a decade to keep abreast of the comings and goings in Linux and FOSS software. My favorite LJ memory is the January 2010 issue, which I got to guest edit. First distro was Slackware back in 1995.

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Pedro Fernandes

I've subscribed since 2002 (I have the CD-Rom archive all the way to 1994) and have memories of magazines from 1998. I subscribe because it is part of a community that helps drive Linux adoption and improvements. Linux has been key for my company operation and development. My favorite LJ memory is an article that taught me how to set up a Linux server with Samba so that my whole company could generate PDFs by printing to a shared virtual post script printer. Saved us tons of money in Acrobat licenses many years ago. Thank you! First distro was Red Hat 5.2.

In the photo I'm wearing what is honestly one of my favorite t-shirts—a Linux Journal t-shirt—"Geek by nature. Linux by choice." I got it many years ago but still wear it regularly.

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