Readers' Choice Awards

Readers' Choice

This month the categories are Best Editor, Best Domain Registrar and Best Laptop. Note that all the contenders listed were nominated by readers via Twitter. Be sure to check for new polls each week and vote for your favorites!

Best Editor

Award winner Vim is an extremely powerful editor with a user interface based on Bill Joy's 40-plus-year-old vi, but with many improved-upon features, including extensive customization with key mappings and plugins. Linux Journal reader David Harrison points out another Vim feature "is that it's basically everywhere. It's available on every major platform."

The very features that make Vim so versatile also have been known to intimidate beginners. Perhaps that's why Linux Journal has featured nearly 100 articles on Vim so far. Readers generally agree though; any learning curve is worth the effort, and again this year, they award Vim the Best Editor title.

Richard Stallman's GNU Emacs comes in a respectable second place in this year's Linux Journal Readers' Choice Awards Best Editor category. Emacs is often referred to as "the most powerful editor ever made". Interesting pop culture trivia: Emacs was featured in the movie Tron: Legacy.

Best Domain Registrar

Here's the breakdown for the top-three winners in this category (too many were nominated to list here):