Embedding Perl in MySQL

Brian Aker

Issue #116, December 2003

Add your own functionality to MySQL with MyPerl, which brings the powerful, versatile Perl interpreter into the heart of the relational database.

Despite the fact that MySQL comes with a rich set of functions, at some point you will find yourself wishing for some additional function or needing an advanced regular expression engine. To solve this problem, MySQL supports user-defined functions (UDFs). Through the UDF interface, you can load new functions into your database dynamically. Although this is a powerful feature, it does mean time spent debugging C or C++ code. As much as I like C, sometimes I don't have the time to write and debug applications written in it, and at other times I want a much faster development cycle. Enter Perl, the Swiss Army knife of languages, with a cast of thousands thanks to the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network (CPAN). Embedding Perl into MySQL gave me a lot of flexibility in being able to extend my database quickly. For these reasons, the embedded MySQL Perl interpreter, MyPerl, was written.

Setting Up Perl

The first step in putting Perl into the database is to get the right setup for Perl. Perl by default is not threadsafe, and MySQL, on the other hand, uses a thread for each user connection. So for Perl to live inside the database, you must compile a threadsafe version of Perl:

./Configure -Dusethreads -Duseithreads

Once this is finished and built, you will have a Perl that is threadsafe. This does not mean your code or any Perl modules you use will be threadsafe, it simply means that Perl itself will be. Building Perl to be threadsafe is a necessary step, because I know of no vendors shipping a threadsafe Perl at this time. Don't be fooled by the fact that MyPerl will build with a nonthreaded Perl; it can, but at some point it will crash your database. I suspect that with the advent of Apache 2.0 and a final release of mod_perl 2, some vendors will consider shipping their Perl binaries with threads enabled. While completing this article, I finally upgraded to Red Hat 9 and saw that they have begun shipping Perl with threads enabled.

Writing the Embedded Perl Interpreter

UDFs have three stages: init, request and deinit. The init stage is called once at the beginning of a query; the request stage is called once per row returned, and the deinit stage is called after the data is sent to the client. Both the init and deinit stages can be skipped, although for all but the most simple UDF you need to create and clean up memory you will use to return data to the client.

MyPerl starts off with the following init function:

myperl_init(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args,
            char *message)
    myperl_passable *pass = NULL;
    int exitstatus = 0;
    char *embedding[] = { "perl",
                          "-e", "1" };
    PerlInterpreter *my_perl;
    uint i =0;
    initid->max_length = 256;

Three parameters are passed into the init method, and it returns either success or failure. The UDF_INIT structure holds information that controls the behavior of how UDF responds. It also is the only structure that is passed between all three stages. First, MySQL is told the UDF will be sending data back that is greater than the size of a VARCHAR. By telling the server it needs more space then a VARCHAR, the server assumes it will be returning blobs.

Although MyPerl does not know that it actually will be doing this, at this point it has no way of knowing how much data it will be returning, so telling the server that it is returning blobs is the safer bet. Next, it sets maybe_null to 1, because there is always the possibility it will be returning NULL values. MyPerl returns NULL for both empty results and upon compilation errors that occur from code that you eval().

The next thing is to check the rows being passed in:

if (args->arg_count == 0 || i
    args->arg_type[0] != STRING_RESULT) {
    strncpy(message,USAGE, MYSQL_ERRMSG_SIZE);
    return 1;
for (i=0 ; i < args->arg_count; i++)

MyPerl expects that the first row being passed in is the code it will execute. Therefore, if no rows are passed in or if the first row is not a string, an error should occur. Error messages must be at most the size of MYSQL_ERRMSG_SIZE, and they must be copied into the message string. To save some time, MyPerl walks through the arguments that MySQL will be passing in and tells it to convert them to strings.

Before the Perl interpreter is set up, a structure must be created to store the interpreter and track a memory block that it will use to return data for each request:

pass = (myperl_passable *)
if (!pass) {
    strncpy(message, "Could not allocate memory",
    return 1;

The structure is as follows:

typedef struct {
    char *returnable;
    size_t  size;
    PerlInterpreter *myperl;
    size_t  messagesize;
} myperl_passable;

The char pointer returnable is used to store the block of memory, and size and messagesize are used to track both the total size and the current size of the returnable data. Because creating and destroying memory is quite costly, it is important to keep this down to a minimum. The Perl interpreter also will be stored in this structure.

At this point, the work of setting up the Perl interpreter that will be used for the query must be done. Currently, MyPerl creates a new Perl interpreter for each request to keep from leaking memory and ensure the security of data between requests. The odds of this becoming a pool of Perl interpreters in the future is quite high:

if((my_perl = perl_alloc()) == NULL) {
    strncpy(message, "Could not allocate perl",
    return 1;
exitstatus = perl_parse(my_perl, xs_init, 4,
                        embedding, environ);
if (exitstatus) {
    strncpy(message, "Error in creating perl parser",
    goto error;
exitstatus = perl_run(my_perl);
if (exitstatus) {
    strncpy(message, "Error in parsing your perl",
    goto error;

The first function, perl_alloc(), allocates a new Perl interpreter that is then constructed with perl_construct(). Now it is simply a matter of starting up Perl. The embedding variable is used as parameters for the Perl interpreter. These are exactly the same parameters you would use on the command line. Errors must be checked for at every point in dealing with the Perl interpreter. In the current design, if an error occurs, MyPerl jumps to a collection of function calls that will clean up the memory that has been allocated.

Now that a good Perl interpreter exists, a few defaults in the pass structure need to be set; the interpreter must be stored, and the address of the structure must be stored in initid->ptr pointer so it can be used throughout the query:

pass->returnable = NULL;
pass->size = 0;
pass->messagesize = 0;
pass->myperl = my_perl;
initid->ptr = (char*)pass;
return 0;

After all of this setup, MyPerl is ready to start taking requests:

char *
myperl(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args,
       char *result, unsigned long *length,
       char *is_null, char *error)
    myperl_passable *pass =
        (myperl_passable *)initid->ptr ;
    char *returnable = NULL;
    unsigned long x = 0;
    size_t size = 0;
    char *newspot = NULL;
    char *string = NULL;
    myperl_passable *pass =
        (myperl_passable *)initid->ptr ;
    STRLEN n_a; //Return strings length
    PerlInterpreter *my_perl = pass->myperl;

It is important that the address of the interpreter is copied into a variable named my_perl. Much of the Perl internals are based on macros that expect you to use variables with certain names. STRLEN is a variable type that Perl uses to store the size of strings.

At this point the interpreter is called:

// Now we push the additional values into ARGV
for(x = 0; x < args->arg_count  ; x++) {
call_pv("MyPerl::Request::handler", G_SCALAR);
string = POPpx;
size = (size_t)n_a;

XPUSHs is used to push all of the rows into an array of strings that will be passed to the Perl function handler() in the library MyPerl::Request(). This Perl module is similar to the Apache::Request module except where the Apache module uses a filename to track code it has eval'ed, MyPerl uses the code itself to determine this.

Because the variable named size now holds the size of the data that will be returned, space needs to be allocated for it:

if (size) {
    if(pass->size < size) {
        newspot = (char *)realloc(pass->returnable,
        if(!newspot) {
            error[0] = '1';
            returnable =  NULL;
            goto error;
        pass->size = size;
        pass->returnable = newspot;
    // Always know the current size,
    // it may be less than the full size
    pass->messagesize = size;
    memcpy(pass->returnable, string, size);
} else {
    is_null[0] = '1';

*length = pass->messagesize;

return pass->returnable;

This is where the information that needs to be sent to the server is stored. The memory call realloc() is used if more memory needs to be allocated. If no data is received from the Perl interpreter, is_null is set to 1 so that MySQL knows a null result should be returned to the client. MyPerl also makes sure to clean up memory that might have been used for the call_pv() function.

The myperl() function is now called for each row. After MySQL returns its data to the client, it calls the deinit function to free the interpreter and release any allocated memory:

void myperl_deinit(UDF_INIT *initid)
    myperl_passable *pass =
        (myperl_passable *)initid->ptr ;

Examples Using MyPerl

Now that a Perl UDF exists, simple tricks like this can be performed:

mysql> select myperl('return $ARGV[0]',User)
       from mysql.user;

As you can see, each row corresponds with a value in @ARGV. You also can use MyPerl with CPAN modules to enter data directly. This example fetches the content for a list of URLs and inserts the content into the database:

mysql> insert into html select
       myperl("use LWP::Simple;
       my $content = get($ARGV[0]);
       return $content", url) from urls;

Using modules like XML::Simple and XML::XPath, you can even query any XML you may have stored in your database. I have used MyPerl for quickly debugging serialized Perl objects I have stored in the database.

But What about GROUP BY?

Although the above demonstrates how to handle row requests with this code, it does not work for queries that use GROUP BY to treat data as sets. For this reason, there is an additional type of UDF called an aggregate. Aggregates differ from their more bland cousins by having two additional stages, reset and add. With aggregate UDFs, the add function handles each row, and the request stage sorts out the results and sends the data on to the client. The reset stage is called at the beginning of each data set, so it is guaranteed to be called at least once. MyPerl currently has an aggregate UDF, but its design is still in flux.


By embedding Perl into MySQL, the realm of possibilities as to what you can do in your database has expanded. Although frequently it is better to keep your database as simple as possible, you may find in some cases this is not practical. Imagine having to pull a gigabyte of text out of the database and send it to a client to be used. The time spent on sending the data would be considerable; being able to do work on the data directly in the database with Perl may turn out to be a real time-saver. Being able to make use of Perl advanced regular expressions may allow you to write simple clients in other languages that do not have a good regular expression support. I am sure you will find many uses for this in your own environments. MyPerl can be found at software.tangent.org along with other UDFs you can use as examples to write your own.

Brian Aker (brian@tangent.org) spends his time working on MySQL and Apache modules, which include mod_layout and the Apache streaming services module, mod_mp3. He recently coauthored the Running Weblogs with Slash book for O'Reilly. For years he worked on Slashdot and now works for MySQL AB as a senior software architect. He also teaches the Perl Certification course at the University of Washington. He lives in Seattle, Washington with his dog Rosalynd.