Listing 7. The Engine of burp.c

struct proc_dir_entry {
        unsigned short low_ino;  /* inode number for the file */
        unsigned short namelen;  /* lenght of filename */
        const char *name;        /* the filename itself */
        mode_t mode;             /* mode (and type) of file */
        nlink_t nlink;           /* number of links (1 for files) */
        uid_t uid;               /* owner */
        gid_t gid;               /* group */
        unsigned long size;      /* size, can be 0 if not relevant */
        struct inode_operations * ops; /* inode ops for this file */
        int (*get_info)(char *, char **, off_t, int, int);  /* read data */
        void (*fill_inode)(struct inode *);  /* fill missing inode info */
        struct proc_dir_entry *next, *parent, *subdir; /* internal use */
        void *data;              /* used in sysctl */