The following two lists are for communication from the MkLinux team and cannot be posted to directly. If you subscribe to only a limited number of lists, subscribe to these:

Mklinux-announce - Announcements for the MkLinux project (new releases, patches, etc.)

Mklinux-answers - Answers to general questions, bug responses, FAQ postings, etc.

The following lists are for discussion. Subscribers may send mail to the list:

mklinux-advocacy - Advocacy of the MkLinux project

Mklinux-development-apps - Discussion of application development issues

mklinux-development-system - Discussion of system development issues

Mklinux-hardware - Discussion of hardware issues

Mklinux-misc - Misc. discussion (more general questions)

mklinux-networking - Discussion of networking issues

mklinux-setup - Discussion of Setup issues

Mklinux-x - Discussion of X11R6 issues

All these mailing lists are hosted at To subscribe to a MkLinux mailing list, send e-mail to the name of the mailing list, adding the suffix “-request”(e.g., “”).